
Book Project

Criminal Cities: The Postcolonial Novel and Cathartic Crime was published by the University of Virginia Press in 2023.


“‘We’re Not Alone’: Ali Smith’s Companion Piece” was published in the Spring 2024 issue of Contemporary Literature.

“Abir Mukherjee’s Historical Crime Novels and the Contemporary Postcolonial” was published in the Spring 2022 issue of Clues: A Journal of Detection.

“‘Gorgeously and Permanently Overrun’: The Contemporary Anglophone Novel and Crisis” was published in The Global South in 2022.

“‘A Triumph Over Distance and Time’: Zadie Smith’s Multiracial Working-Class Novels” is a chapter in the volume Locating Classed Subjectivities: Intersections of Space and Working-Class Life in 19th, 20th, and 21st Century British Writing (Routledge, 2022).

“Criminal Cities: Economics and Empire in Belfast and Johannesburg” is a chapter in the  volume The Economics of Empire: Genealogies of Capital and the Colonial Encounter (Routledge, 2021).

“‘In Those Days The Little City of Srinigar Died With the Light’: The Ministry of Utmost Happiness as New Urban Gothic” is a chapter in the volume The New Urban Gothic (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).

“‘We Don’t Have Trains in Palestine’: Tracking Transportation in Kate Jessica Raphael’s Palestinian Detective Novels” was published in the 2019 issue of Studies in Crime Writing. 

“‘An Act of Geographical Violence’: Crime, Literature, and the Colonial Compulsion” is published online with The Journal of Commonwealth Literature and in volume 57.1 (2022) in print.

“Ghost Stories, Ghost Estates: Melancholia in Irish Recession Literature” is available in the Winter 2017 issue of C21 Literature: Journal of 21st Century Writings.  A link to the article may be found here.

“Nowhere and Northwest, Brent and Britain: Geographies of Elsewhere in Zadie Smith’s NW” was published in the Spring 2015 issue of the Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association.  A link to that journal’s table of contents is located here. The full article may be found on JSTOR or Project MUSE.

2 thoughts on “Publications

  1. Hello Molly,
    I am a postgraduate student at the University of Glasgow. As it happens I am currently reading your article ‘Nowhere and Northwest’, about Zadie Smith’s NW for an essay, and I would just like to tell you that I am really enjoying it, and that I hope to get the chance to read more of your papers in the future! I rarely have the opportunity to tell someone I admire their work and so I thought I would take this chance to do it. (I will, of course, cite you in my bibliography)

    1. Hi Marine,

      Thank you so much for your comment! I am unfortunately coming across it quite belatedly, but it was a joy to receive nonetheless. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, and I hope we are able to connect in our work in the future. Here is hoping your paper went well!



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